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Difference in Kind, Difference in Degree

Data reactive audio-visual using ultrasonic sensor, Arduino, and Processing.

There is a poise between systems of distinct parts with easily identifiable categories and fluid gradient fields of changing values. We as people exist within this poise, both on an individual and mass scale. When looking at how computers capture and make sense of the information they collect from us, our behavioural data can exhibit some very life like traits of its own.
This work deals with data as a form, by processing it in two different ways; with ever fluctuating values, and also reduced into distinct components. When the distance sensor by the doorway is crossed, a noise sound is synthesised and modulated in real-time by the raw data values seen on the screen. On a 20 second delay, a different sound sample is played, and a unique visual layout is generated for each distinct individual passing (of) the sensor.